Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What is DC?

Mommy keeps talking about going to a place called DC with Crazy Aunt Cassandra. What is it? Is it a park? Does it have animals? Does it have dogs like Scotty? Is that where Daddy is at?

Mommy went to a doctor today, so I got to play with Nana and Gramps. They play so good! Gramps gets down on the floor with me and plays with my toys with me! Nana wears fun shoes that make funny noises when I pull them! And Gramps has clocks that make noises! I love going to their house!

I love my Mommy, but today she made me mad. She wouldn't let me go into the cabinet again. She kept making the "EH" noise at me, but I really wanted to play with the neat looking can with the straw so I ignored her after I yelled back. Then she poked me with her foot. That wasn't nice so I cried at her. She moved me and closed the door. I got really mad.  But then she gave me snacks and I wasn't made anymore.

Today Mommy said it was Star Wars day. I like Star Wars! She let me wear my Yoda shirt and my Darth Vader jamas! I like Darth Vader. I like watching Star Wars. Stuff blows up and it's cool. Daddy says he's going to teach me how to blow stuff up, but Mommy says she'll kill him. I don't want Daddy to die, so I don't know if I want stuff to blow up.